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Friday 9 June 2017

'Anti-cancer' Food Habits

There are certain lifestyle choices, which include your diet that can make a huge difference in helping you prevent cancer. Some foods can actually increase the risk of cancer, while others support your body and strengthen your immune system. Here are some healthy and effective anti-cancer diet for you:-

  • Drink plenty of water to fight cancer. It stimulates the immune system, removes wastes / toxins and transports nurtrients to all of your organs.

  • Alchohol (including wine) consumption has been linked to increased risk of mouth, esophagus, pharynx, larnyx, liver and breast cancers. Men should limit to no more than two drinks a day while women should keep it at one drink per day.

  • Limiting fried, fast and packaged foods (potato chips, cookies, crackers, french fries, doughnuts etc.) will help in reducing the risk of cancer.

  • To the extent possible, use immune-boosting herbs and spices like garlic, ginger and curry powder to fight cancer.

  • The way you cook food can either help or damage anti-cancer efforts. When cooking vegetables, steam until just tender using a small amount of water to preserve vitamins in them. If you boil vegetables, use the cooking water in a soup or another dish to ensure you are getting all the vitamins.

  • There are some types of fat that actually help protect against cancer. Saturated fats and trans fat are the fats that are damaging. While saturated fats are found mainly in animal products such as red meat, whole milk dairy products, and eggs. Trans fats are found in liquid vegetable oils. Prefer olive and canola oil over the regular vegetable oil. Avoid anything with hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils.

  • Eat red meat in less quantity and cut down on processed meat. As consumption of too much of red meat increases the risk of cancer. In stead of beef/pork/lamb, prefer fish, poultry, or beans. You should prepare meat by baking, broiling, or poaching at lower temperatures, rather than by frying in fat or broiling or grilling excessively high temperatures. Vegetarians are less likely to develop cancer than those who eat meat.

  • Fiber plays a key role in cleaning your digestive system. It helps keep food moving through your digestive tract and it also moves cancer-causing compounds before they can create any trouble. A fibre-rich diet may help prevent colorectal cancer and other digestive system cancers, including stomach, mouth, and pharynx.

  • Diets high in fruit, like oranges, berries, peas, bell peppers, dark leafy greens and other foods, high in vitamin C, may lower risk of stomach, lung and esophageal cancer while vegetables containing carotenoids such as carrots, brussels sprouts and squash, help reduce the risk of lung, mouth, pharynx, and larynx cancers.

    Diets high in non-starchy vegetables (broccoli, spinach, and beans) is considered effective for stomach and esophageal cancer. Foods high in lycopene, such as tomatoes guava, and watermelon, may lower the risk of prostate cancer. The less processed food, the better.

  • For 425 more highly useful TIPS / TOPICS for all age groups, please Visit here.

Thursday 8 June 2017

Overcoming Workplace Jealous-colleagues

'Jealousy' arises from a resentful longing for another person's qualities, advantages or luck. It is usually aggravated in those with low self-esteem or those discontented with their own situation. It might ruin your work equations and affect your overall productivity. How are some solutions to overcome this problem:-

  • First step is to analyse whether their behavior affects your work or not. Avoid office politics and gossip. If you maintain a clean image and even temperament, the efforts of somebody trying to ruin your reputation with baseless claims will yield no results.

  • If two of you have to work in proximity, try to resolve the conflict that might be plaguing the relationship. Misunderstandings can only be resolved if you try and directly communicate with the person concerned.

  • Behave in such manner that it does not discourage or put you off. Make use of your sense of humor and laugh off the rumors doing the round. Conducting yourself with dignity will help you gain the respect of other colleagues. Eventually everyone will realize that the other person is out to mar your reputation and stop paying attention to his / her gossip.

  • If the above steps do not work out, try and convey your thoughts to your immediate superior, if team work is getting affected. Suggest to change the team members and / or lay down certain golden rules. But make sure that your colleague does not feel that you are ganging up on him or her.

  • How to Recognize Jealous Peers at Your Workplace? (1) The person will stop talking to you. (2) Won't appreciate you if you have achieved the target, set by the company. & (3) He or she will talk behind your back.

  • For 420 more highly useful TIPS / TOPICS for all age groups, please Visit here.

How to Get Rid of 'Toxic People'?

In this world, there are all type of people. Each one of us has unique personality and are different in nature. However, there are certain type of people who are known to spread negativity and thrive in what others see as 'toxic' behaviour. As they can cause a lot of damage, you should first need to identify them before you decide how to deal with them:-

  • There are some people who are very eager to know everything that is happening in everyone's life and joyfully spread the details with utomost happiness to whoever (?) cares to listen to them. You should avoid these type of people who knowingly run down someone behind their back.

  • There are some people who do not think twice in forming an opinion based on the smallest thing that is said or done, leaving you scratching your head. They often look down on people and consider them inferior. Judgmental people find it difficult to accept things because they are often rigid in their thinking.

  • Nothing can ever make jealous people satisfied with what they have (even when good things happen to them). They always think someone else had it better or feel like they were left shortchanged.

  • Some people frequently or always play victim card so often that eventually, you begin to wonder whether they are bringing it all on themselves or simply making things seem unnecessarily bleak. Victims are unable to take responsibility for anything that goes wrong in their lives and drain you off mentally and emotionally with their tales of woe.

  • There are some people who manipulate you and are good at gauging your moods, likes and dislikes and (mis)use it to their advantage. They won't stop at getting things out of you, but will rarely step in to help when you need it.

  • For 420 more highly useful TIPS / TOPICS for all age groups, please Visit here.

Sunday 9 October 2016

Science-Backed Sex Secrets for Married Couples

Couples who have a healthy & active sex life have the habit down to a science. Anyone can steal the tricks of people who make sex a priority. There is no 'Kama Sutra' or self-help book required. Instead, it all comes down to tapping into your own psychology. Here are some research-backed secrets of couples who have regular sex with their (respective) partners:-

  • Personality affects every aspect of life, including sex. Newly-wed couples in which woman ranked high in agreeableness, or the desire to please others, tended to have sex more often than other couples. The research looked at the personality traits like conscientiousness, agreeableness, openness, neuroticism and extraversion to make a conclusion.

    The study also found that while men tried to initiate sex more, the women were ultimately the ones who determined whether or not the couple engaged in the activity.

  • A study found extra hours of sleep corresponded with higher levels of sexual desire in college-aged women.

  • Emotional intimacy can spark physical intimacy. 75% of sexually satisfied men and 74% of sexually satisfied women reported that their partner said 'I Love You' during their last sexual encounter. Many of the same individuals also said that setting the mood and engaging in sexy talk also helped with satisfaction.

  • Trying new things in bed also make the respondents happier. And who won't want to engage in an activity that makes them happy more often?

  • Regular physical activity can enhance sex drive, particularly for men. Men who exercise more report better erectile function. Regular workouts also may help reverse a low sex drive.

  • Sex is supposed to be pleasurable, not an item to-do list. When couples were asked to have more sex, they viewed it more like a chore and subsequently experienced a drop in mood. The key goal to having better sex may be not making it a goal at all and just letting the desire - whenever it hits - steer either couple in the right direction.

  • For 410 more highly useful TIPS / TOPICS for all age groups, please Visit here.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Arm Dark Skin for Women! Why? Solutions.

People with a darker skin tone tend to have pigmented underams. Apart from obesityand a family history, there are a few conditions that can lead to darkening of underarm skin which is quite an embarassing common problem, especially among Indian women. Here are some facts about under the arms dark skin and solutions for it:-

  • Dark underarms are seen in Addison's disease, a condition in which the adrenal glands produce insufficient hormones. This is a temporary problem that usually occurs during pregnancy and gradually disappears a few months post-delivery.

  • Hormonal changes that occur in ailments like polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD), insulin resistance and diabetes also lead to darkening and thickening of the under arm skin due to an over production of skin cells. However, most of the hormonal induced darkening is reduced once the underlying hormones fall within the normal range.

  • The darkening of the skin under the arms can also occur because of an irritation in the are due to the regular use of deodorants, perfumes, synthetic clothing and self-prescribed lightening creams to name a few.

  • The best course of action would be to consult a dermatologist who will examine the skin after taking a detailed history to rule out any hormonal changes or conditions that can be the cause for the darkening of the skin under the arms.

  • There are a few treatments that can help a great deal in tackling this problem. Laser Lightening is one of the most recent, painless procedures that lighten underarm skin without causing any adverse effects. But laser lightening needs at least six regular sittings done at lest a month apart.

  • Getting a laser treatment to remove underarm hair is very helpful to improve the texture of underarm skin as regular shaving, hair removal creams and waxing darkens underarm skin gradually and the laser removal of hair helps improve the skin. For Indian skin, a diode laser has the proven to be safe and most effective. A dermatologist examines the skin and hair of the patient of the patient and then decides on the best technology option that will work for him / her.

  • 'Microdermabrasion' (MDA) is a machine that uses a rough tip or a row of crystals to polish the skin. Its exfoliating action effectively treats uneven skin, removes dullness and smoothens the underarm skin. This can be followed by application of mild serums which penetrate the skin better after MDA and effectively lighten the area.

  • Fruits peels refer to chemical peels that are a combination of naturally available lightening agents like lactic acid and citric acid and hydroxy acids. Fruit peels are the best option for those with sensitive skin as these chemical peels do not cause many side effects and are also mild. They even out the skin, remove and skin and also reduce pigmentation.

  • For 410 more highly useful TIPS / TOPICS for all age groups, please Visit here.

Monday 3 October 2016

Dark Chocolate Health Benefits

Those who eat chocolate habitually have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke as compared to those who did not. Here are some facts about chocolate and its health benefits:-

  • Our normally body processes and contaminants in the environment like cigarette smoke form free radicals which can damage body cells. And to combat the damage causes by the free radicals, the body needs antioxidants. Cocoa and chocolate contain flavanols and also certain polyphenols and catechins which in addition to having antioxidant capabilities also positively affect vascular health.

    They can help to lower the blood pressure, make the platelets less sticky and improve the blood flow.

  • It is important to note, however, here is that not all forms of chocolate contain high levels of flavanols. Cocoa is processed to produce chocolate. The more it is processed, the more flavanols are lost. And most of the commercially available chocolates are highly processed.

  • Highest levels of flavanols are contained in dark chocolate than white chocolates.

  • A good fat profile of chocolate is that it contains calories, the fat contained in it are mostly saturated and monounsaturated with small amounts of the polyunsaturated kind. Chocolates are a rich source of selenium, zinc, manganese, magnesium, copper and fibre.

  • Dark chocolates may also lower the susceptibility of bad cholesterol to exidative damage while increasing the good cholesterol.

    It also improves insulin sensitivity which is indicative of the fact that if dark chocolate is consumed in moderation, it may actually delay or even prevent the onset of diabetes.

  • Chocolate can also help one lose weight. A small piece of choclate relished on the tongue for 20 minutes before a meal can trigger a sense of fullness, reducing the amount of food one would eat. Also, a small piece at the end of the meal can prevent subsequent snacking a.

  • If you are feeling low in mood, it can also make you feel better and enhance your mood.

  • Only dark chocolates will keep you smiling, lose weight, diabetes at bay, improves cholesterol, lowers blood pressure and keeps blood flowing with antioxidants which in turn help your vascular health.

  • Never forget the fact that dark chocolates need to be eaten in moderation.

  • For 410 more highly useful TIPS / TOPICS for all age groups, please Visit here.

Thursday 29 September 2016

Dyslexia - What? Why? Impacts & Solutions

Many teenagers are suffering from 'Dyslexia' which is a type of specific learning disability. Here are what is it?, why is it?, its impacts & solutions:-

  • 'Dyslexia' is a Greek word meaning difficulty with words. Teens have normal intelligence. They have problems reading and writing and need different ways to learn. It is an impairment of decoding skills in reading.

  • Dyslexia is a hereditary component. It is a type of neuro-developmental disorder in which, language processing is disturbed. Therefore, both reading and writing is affected. It affects all languages.

  • Nearly 5-15% of children have specific learning disability. Of these 80% have been found to be dyslexic. Overall prevalence is 5%. Dyslexia is also 2-3 times more common among boys than girls.

  • 40 to 60% of dyslexics especially teens suffer from psychological effects of this disability like anxiety, depression and attention deficit. They also feel like outcasts and face rejection leading to poor self-confidence and self-esteem. Research indicates higher rate of suicides among teens having dyslexia.

  • A teen who has dyslexia tries to hide his / her reading and writing difficulties. Avoids reading and writing as much as possible. He / she avoids reading and writing as much as possible and relies more on verbal / memory skills rather than reading.

  • Since the teen cannot grow out of this problem, he / she may develop different compensatory strategies to learn and retain information.

  • Dealing with dyslexia can be tough. A detailed evaluation by a psychologist to confirm the diagnosis and also to assess associated problems is mandatory.

  • A dyslexic teen requires help from a special tutor trained in teaching awareness of speech sounds in words and letter sound correspondences (phonics).

  • Computer software for dyslexics also helps to read aloud. Assistance in the form of extra time during exams, help with books or tapes can be provided.

  • Emotional support is crucial as teens with this problem suffer from poor self-esteem and a feeling of worthlessness.

  • Many famous scientists like Marie Curie, Edison & Einstein had 'dyslexia' problem but set an example of how it is possible to succeed in the face of this challenging condition.

  • For 410 more highly useful TIPS / TOPICS for all age groups, please Visit here.