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Tuesday 1 October 2013

Planning Second Marriage? Ask Yourself.

Before entering in to second marriage (if you have decided for), you should set priorities to not land in to same mistakes again. Ask yourself some important questions and find answers before entering in to second marriage:-

  • You should first get convinced that first marriage has to be finished legally and also in mind and heart. If the intention is to get back with former spouse, then should not go for second marriage.

  • Being very patient and taking a lot of time are the most important factors for second marriage. Emotional & psychological feelings should not push you to move fast towards second marriage. Examining own life, attitudes and anlysing the reasons for failures in first marriage will help in deciding for successful second marriage.

  • Carrying forward anger over former spouse will lead to terrible frustration even after second marriage which you should not.

  • Will you be able to control your emotions or anger by not negatively projecting about your former to your children? Do you, then your children not only will not respect you but also your second spouse.

  • Are you mentally prepared to set boundaries to your children just to respect your new mate? Not necessarily, your children should love your new mate.

  • Will you (your new mate) be ready to welcome step-children. This needs time and patience to decide by both of you.

  • Will you love your new mate's children? It will be very difficult for children (as they are) to adjust to new family environment. But as an adult, you should understand and be kind to them to make them feel at home with you.

  • Most Important:- Do not expect perfection from your new mate or do not expect that new mate will fill the shortcomings of your former.